Karl Davidson showing what can be done in just a few weeks with discipline alone
Karl Davidson showing what can be done in just a few weeks with discipline alone
KARL DAVIDSON started his transformation in early October saying he wanted to build some muscle for a few months before Christmas.
The quickest route was to trim some body fat first in order to place his body in a more optimal hormonal state in order to do that. The leaner a person is, the more likely any gains made will be muscle rather than fat.
As these pictures show, Karl has worked tremendously hard, keeping to his diet plan and still enjoying one high day of food per week, complete with a cheat meal of his choice.
In just 21 days, Karl has lost almost half a stone. Not only that, but he looks so much better; sharper, leaner, harder. He is almost ready to push food high and start building some lean muscle.

If you are interested in changing your body, get in touch now for a FREE consultation.