Welcome to Diet Plan Man

Discover your Inner Strength

Nutrition Plans Designed

For You

  • £50

diet plans

Includes up to three three separate diets for the week
  • £125/MONTH

Ongoing diet

Includes analysing your weekly updates and adjusting plans where necessary, support and answering of any questions between weekly check-ins via whatsapp or email, full training and cardio instructions where requested.


Diet Plan Man


My mission is to empower individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals through personalised, bespoke diet plans and ongoing support. I am committed to providing expert guidance and creating sustainable nutrition strategies that promote overall well-being and long-term success.


My name is Gary Chappell. I have been a competitive Masters bodybuilder for almost a decade. I have worked both with and without 'coaches' but, personally, do not like that word. You do the work, I simply help you find the right path nutrition wise. Look at anyone is any gym and most are doing the same exercises. The only ones who look the way they want to are the ones who follow their diet.

through effective nutrition. Founded by expert in the field, gyms. I am dedicated to providing personalized diet plans and continuous support to ensure lasting success and well-being.

What is my experience?

I have almost a decade within the sport of competitive bodybuilding, where nutrition is paramount. I have worked with a coach at the beginning of my journey, then prepared myself for 10 competitions, dieting down to under 5 per cent body fat. I then worked with a nutrition expert in the United States, where I gained yet more valuable experience of nutrition. Alongside my studies in a Level 5 Diploma in Advanced Nutrition, certified by the Association for Nutrition, I am here to help you change the way you look through what you eat. You do not have to be into bodybuilding – my services encompass anyone wanting to lose body fat, get in shape for summer, gain muscle or just feel better about themselves.


Inovation + Motivation = Results

I create personalised diet plans tailored to your goals and lifestyle, ensuring they are both effective and sustainable. With ongoing support and expert guidance, I will help you achieve lasting health and wellness.
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