KARL’S 55-day fat loss phase

After following his diet plan “to the gram” to gain new levels of leanness, he is now planning to focus on gaining some real muscle

KARL DAVIDSON took just 55 days to, in his words, become “the leanest I’ve ever been”.

Karl made the most of his diet plan, sticking to it “to the gram” consistently.

He wanted, initially, to get bigger/more muscular, a perfectly acceptable goal. However, the quickest of doing this is not just to pile in food in the hope of building muscle. The quickest way is actually to get leaner first.

Karl embraced his period perfectly. And this is harder than you might think. You see, the head can play trickls. You start to feel smaller in clothes – but look bigger with your shirt off. Not many people can get through this period. They automatically think they are losing muscle when, in fact, they are just dropping body fat and intramuscular fluid, such as water and glycogen.

Now he has leaned up, Karl is looking forward to his building phase.

This is his journey. His hard work. His success.

If any of this resonates with you, send me an email at info@dietplanman,.com and let’s arrange a FREE consultation.

From here, we discuss whether you just need a one-off diet plan to set you on the right path, or whether you would prefer ongoing diet management.

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