Category: Uncategorized

Why people overeat

Signs to look for if you are starting a new diet STARTING a new nutrition plan can be overwhelming. Unless you are used to a

KARL’S 55-day fat loss phase

After following his diet plan “to the gram” to gain new levels of leanness, he is now planning to focus on gaining some real muscle

My Story

How I transformed my physique from losing some weight for a wedding to IFBB Pro in eight years THIS is the story of my personal

21 days progress

Karl Davidson showing what can be done in just a few weeks with discipline alone Karl Davidson showing what can be done in just a

The Glycemic Index

The importance of knowing which carbs are slow and quick release and its impact on blood sugar The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of


White potato is primarily known as carb source but is also a complete protein source with all nine essential amino acids MOST of us realise

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